Granola Guru
In a world where sugar is a key ingredient in just about everything its becoming harder and harder to find healthier versions of our morning favorites like granola. My goal is to pick a supermarket favorite to spotlight and give you healthier options that you can still enjoy without feeling guilty or ruining your fitness goals.
How do I know which ones to choose?
The first thing you want to look for is how many added sugars there are. Take a look at your ingredient list, is sugar in the beginning of that list? If your answer is yes, how many times is there added sugars? Look for key words especially those ending in -ose, have the word syrup or malted with its name. Another good way to identify is to look at how many grams of sugar it contains, try to stay 10g or less or if you want to be even stricter make it 5g or less.
Another key point to make is what kind of ingredients are there? If there are some that you don’t recognize or don’t know how to pronounce them its probably not the best because more than likely it will have a lot of added things we don’t need and could be harmful to us.
Another rule of thumb when it comes to ingredients is less is more meaning the least amount of ingredients the closer it is to being more like a whole food and not as processed
What are some great options?
- no grainola
- activated cereals by living intentions
- purely elizabeth
- ezekiel granola
- make your own at home by adding in plain old fashioned oats, coconut oil, almonds, walnuts, unsweetened dried fruits, etc.)
Portion Control
Although these are a better option for one of your favorites we should still be aware of the serving size. Most granola has quite a bit of calories which could add up quickly if we aren’t careful about measuring it out properly.
Which Macronutrient are they
Also take a look at the macronutrient profile to be sure you know which one it is classified as ( looking at the carbs, protein, and fat grams which one is the biggest? That is what your granola would be considered as). Some of these granolas could be considered a fat rather than a carb. The ones usually classified as a fat are usually grain free like the purely elizabeth because more than likely it is made with nuts and seeds.
Healthfully Yours,
Krystal Goodman