Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

Anti Inflammatory nutrients:

  • Antioxidants ( some top antioxidant foods include: goji berries, blueberries, dark chocolate, pecans, artichoke, elderberries, cranberries, blackberries, matcha and cilantro.) 
  • Vitamins/ Minerals : we need these for a lot of functions to happen properly in the body. 
    • The best vitamins/minerals for the job are: vitamins A,Bs,C,D,E,&K and Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione, and Magnesium.
    • Check out an earlier post of mine with great vitamin/mineral options by clicking this link How To Choose the Right Multivitamin
  • Essential Fatty Acids: we want to get most of these through omega 
  • Nutrients: 
    • Bromelain: sulfur containing enzyme in pineapple that blocks the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin and is most effective for respiratory issues like bronchitis and sinusitis 
    • Carotenoids: these are most helpful for inflammation in the skin due to them being depleted as a result of it.
    • Flavonoids: these directly counter inflammation by blocking synthesis of messenger molecules that promote inflammation.
    • Magnesium salicylate ( what is used in NSAIDS)
  • Amino Acids: 
  • Herbs: 
    • aloe vera: mostly used topically by the gel that is inside the plant for treating burns. It contains both fatty acids (GLA) and (ETA)
    • echinacea: a root that has been used to treat: fevers, snake & insect bites, and many skin problems. Along with those it has been used for things like cold and flue prevention, treatment of infections, and purification of blood and lymph.
    • garlic: has a multitude of anti inflammatory properties but has been linked in the help of inflammatory bowel disease.
    • ginger: has been used in studies for osteoarthritis and rheumatism to reduce swelling and joint pain.
    • licorice: the root is known as the great detoxifier. 
    • turmeric: curcumin in it lowers the level of messaging molecules that trigger inflammation. 
    • Hemp Oil: hemp has been known to help calm down inflammatory response in the body.