We all have heard you need to take your vitamins, but do we actually do it? For the most part I think a lot of us assume we eat enough fruits and vegetables to get the right amount. The truth is we really don’t. We should all be taking a multi vitamin and mineral for that matter. Micronutrients are just as important as macronutrients.
I’ve come up with some top tips on how to choose the right ones.
- Quality Ingredients: You want to find a vitamin that actually comes from a whole food form. A few steps to find out if in fact it is from a whole food source are:
- Does it say 100 percent natural? If it doesn’t it may not be because the fact is companies can list it as natural if only 10 % is truly natural.
- Look for actual foods listed like vitamin A from carrots for example. If they do not list the foods out it may actually be synthetic.
- Look for additives on the label that may be there to keep it stable for longer like : acetate, bitartrate, chloride, gluconate, hydrochloride, nitrate and succinate. Most of these always end in -ide or -ate so be on the look out these are more then likely synthetic forms of the vitamins they have listed.
- Choose one with the Savvy Seven: these are the top vitamins and minerals that we all tend to be low in and need a little extra help with.
- vitamin D
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Iron
- Folate
- Vitamin B-12
- AVOID poor ingredients: Sometimes companies will ad in fillers in their vitamins that you should look out for. We want nothing but the vitamin that our body needs. Somethings to avoid are:
- Artificial Sweeteners, flavors or added sugar
- Fillers – Fillers help increase the volume of the powder in your multivitamin but they may cause GI distress or decrease absorption.
- Dyes – Dyes are sometimes added to supplements to alter their color, avoid any extra coloring or dyes that may cause issues.
- Inactive ingredients
- Coatings on the capsule
- Gluten, dairy or soy – If you suffer from food allergies it’s best to find supplements that are considered hypoallergenic to prevent these issues.
Some brands I like and each one is a link you can click to view them:
Garden of Life My Kind Multi for Women
These are some great considerations but always remember you should start with a healthy diet full of color and flavor to be sure you are getting the most of your vitamins and minerals through diet.
Healthfully Yours,
Krystal Goodman