My Top 5 Superfoods

My Top 5 Superfoods to Add to Your Daily Regimen


1 Cordyceps and Chaga Mushroom: these are amazing for a lot of things but the main reason I love them are:

Cordyceps:these are like a natural energy booster. I love to use these before a workout or a long run for an endurance boost.

Chaga:these are incredible for boosting your immune system. Take these everyday and I can guarantee more than likely you will NOT be sick.

You can use these in smoothies, coffee, hot water, or even in anything you cook.

My favorite brand is foursigmatic. I’ve seen the best results with them. The link is below that you can click and use my code “kgoodshroom” for a discount.

Foursigmatic Mushrooms

2 Moringa: A green with a rich source of vitamins and minerals and is packed with antioxidants. it fights inflammation, reduces some diabetic symptoms, protects the cardiovascular system, supports brain health, and protects the liver.

You can use this in smoothies, sprinkle on salads, add to yogurt, add to sauces, bake in breads, etc.

My favorite Moringa Product: Kuli Kuli Foods Moringa Powder

3 Turmeric: this yellow guy is a number one anti-inflammatory! Its amazing color is what gives it the antioxidants it needs to fight off inflammation and fight free radicals to keep you healthy.

Add this to any recipe just be careful because it does have a strong taste. I like to use it on chicken, in soups, smoothies, and in a golden milk latte.

My favorite turmeric to use: Simply Organic Turmeric

4 Flax/Chia Seed:  These 2 seeds are what help us easily add fiber in the diet with is versatile taste that can be pretty much added to anything and everything. Aside from fiber these 2 are powerhouses when it comes to being full of nutrients.

Flaxseed: These are full of omega 3’s (ALA) , manganese, thiamine, and magnesium. You will want to be sure to buy these ground or grind them yourself before you in ingest them to be sure that you are reaping the benefits.

Chia Seed: Omega 3’s ( ALA), protein, manganese, and calcium. They have an ORAC value of over 10,000 Vitamin E equivalents.

Add these to  your favorite yogurt, cottage cheese, baked goods, smoothies, etc.

My favorite Flaxseed to use: Organic Flaxseed

My favorite Chia seed to use: Organic Chia Seed

5 Collagen:This powder is amazing for several different reasons. It is often referred to as a complex protein in that it contains 19 different amino acids. Some of the main ones to mention are proline, glycine, glutamine, and arginine.

Functions of collagen:

  • improves joint function
  • improves health of skin, hair, and nails
  • helps heal leaky gut
  • boots metabolism, muscle mass, and energy output
  • strengthens teeth
  • improves liver health
  • protects cardiovascular health

This can be added to everything from smoothies to coffee to any food you make.

My favorite Collagen to use: Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides