Post Workout and Anti Inflammation Nutrition
Where to start:
Before you address anything in nutrition you must first help your gut. Your plays a key role in the way your body runs. Key roles of your gut are:
- Digestion of food
- help yourself by taking a good probiotic ( ~80-90 billion CFUs) and taking a good source enzyme supplement ( amylase, protease, and lipase)
- Also incorporate some cultured and fermented foods to help support the growth and proliferation of healthy bacteria.( kefir, fermented veggies, sauerkraut, kombucha, and coconut water kefir)
- Prebiotics- non digestible carbs that serve as food for probiotic bacteria ( raw chicory root, raw jerusalem artichoke, raw dandelion greens, raw garlic, raw leeks, raw & cooked onions, asparagus, and raw banana
- Absorption of nutrients.
- Once digestion is better we can then absorb the nutrients we are taking in through whole natural foods.
- Maintenance of immune barrier to the outside world.
- this happens when we can digest properly and can absorb the things that can help fight off the bad.
- Symbiotic relationship with favorable bacteria.
- This will be achieved by the probiotic you choose to take you want it to have the main 2: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
- Detoxification, including the elimination of waste and toxins of the body.
- the liver helps with this as well but we need proper digestion to achieve this.
Our immune system becomes activated when our body recognizes something foreign like an invasion of a microbes, pollen, injury, or chemicals. All of this can trigger the process of inflammation.
Stress can also cause inflammation in the body this can be from stressors we face each day .
Working out is a great way to stay in shape and release stress but it can also put stress on the body because of how intense it can be therefore we need to supply our body with the correct nutrients and foods to recover well.
Anti Inflammatory nutrients:
- Antioxidants ( some top antioxidant foods include: goji berries, blueberries, dark chocolate, pecans, artichoke, elderberries, cranberries, blackberries, and cilantro.)
- ORAC ( oxygen radical absorbency capacity) is a test to show the TAC( total antioxidant capacity)
- A good way to remember if a food has a high amount of antioxidants is its vibrant color and smell/taste.
- Vitamins/ Minerals : we need these for a lot of functions to happen properly in the body.
- The best vitamins/minerals for the job are: vitamins A,Bs,C,D,E,&K and Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione, and Magnesium.
- Essential Fatty Acids: we want to get most of these through omega
- 3s due to them being precursors of DHA and EPA and they can reduce the production of molecules and substances that increase inflammation.
- Food Sources: walnuts, flax seed, chia seed, fatty fish, almonds, hemp, leafy greens, olive oil, eggs, etc.
Top Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Leafy Greens: Flavonoids, Vitamin A, C, &K ( swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, etc.)
- Bok Choy: Antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, &K, Minerals, and Antioxidants.
- Celery: Antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, &K, and Potassium
- Beets: Antioxidant betalain. folate, Manganese, Potassium, and Magnesium
- Broccoli: antioxidants, Vitamins A,B6,C,E,K, Chromium, Folate, Manganese.
- Blueberries: quercertin, Vitamin C& K, & Manganese
- Pineapple: Bromelain, Vitamin C, & Manganese
- Salmon: essential fatty acids ( esp omega 3), Vitamins B3,B6,B12, D, Selenium, and Phosphorous.
- Bone Broth: it contains a great deal of minerals that your body can easily absorb. Also contains a lot of chondroitin and glucosamine.
- Walnuts: Omega 3s and Manganese
- Coconut oil: high levels of antioxidants
- Chia Seeds: these have both the omega 3s and 6s
- Flaxseeds: Omega 3s, photonutrients, Vitamin B1, Manganese, Magnesium, and Phosphorus.
- Turmeric: Curcumin, Manganese, Vitamin B6.
- Ginger: contains gingerol which helps fight inflammation
- Mushrooms: especially chaga its known as one of the highest antioxidant rich foods in the world
What is Post Workout Nutrition?
There are 3 basic parts to it:
- Our body deals with different nutrients at different times depending on our activity.
- What you consume after your workout is particularly important to reaching goals and recovering well.
- Consume the right types of food post work out can improve your body composition, performance, and overall health.
Specific purposes for post work out nutrition:
- Decrease protein breakdown
- Increase protein synthesis
- Replenish glycogen
Basically Athletes and those who do intense exercise need to :
- Increase muscle size and/or muscle quality
- Repair any damage caused by the workout
- Replenish their energy stores
Great benefits of optimal post workout nutrition:
- Improved recovery
- Less muscle soreness
- Increased ability to build muscle
- Improved immune function
- Improved bone mass
- Improved ability to utilize body fat
Why is it so important?
- When we workout intensely we damage tissue at the microlevel and use fuel. When we continue to do so we get stronger and leaner but overtime your body needs to be replenished.
- Repairing and rebuilding occurs through the breakdown of old, damaged proteins and the construction of new ones which is what we call protein turnover. During the process of the workout we are doing more breaking down than rebuilding
- Studies have shown with the correct type of nutrients after exercise this can be reversed in the protein synthesis is stimulated while protein breakdown is suppressed.
What you really need to know about the nutrition side of recovery after the workout.
- Availability: this strongly influences the amino acid/glucose delivery and transport. Basically we need raw materials that are available for absorption.
- This can be achieved by providing your body the most broken down form of protein which is its building blocks amino acids.
- For endurance athletes it would be crucial to provide a broken down version of carbs which is glucose as well.
- •Window of opportunity: this window is when our muscles are most ready except the most nutrients to help to build and repair muscles that were broken down during the workout.
- •Studies suggest that the best window of opportunity is right after the workout up until about 1 hour. This will give you the biggest benefit to your hard work.
- •What to eat: Our body immediately needs protein for protein synthesis and little carbohydrate to restore glycogen stores.
- •Again if you are more an endurance athlete you will want to increase your carbohydrate intake a little more.
- •Be sure to implement a variety of the antioxidant rich foods as mentioned above to help with recovery as well.
- •Who should follow this recovery nutrition? Anyone who is lifting, endurance, or power lifting about 45 or more would benefit greatly from this. If you are just taking the dog for a casual walk or moving somethings around the house you don’t necessarily need a recovery meal.